The Blue Whale Death Games
The blue whale game has already claimed lives of several teenagers. It is suspected that a number of teenagers in various countries are still playing the game. This book is written to raise awareness of blue whale game and the dark side of the web. It explains how dangerous the internet can be. Also explains the measures to ensure safety of your loved ones. An Indian teenager has supposedly committed suicide after playing the online Blue Whale game that goads young people into killing themselves. Ankan Dey, 14, from the town of Anandpur , West Bengal State , India , was found suffocated by a plastic bag in his bathroom. He was discovered by his family who grew suspicious when he did not come out after his bath. Ankan's friends told police he had been playing the Blue Whale game online. The worrying craze sees teenagers pressured into completing 50 self-destructive challenges – the final being committing suicide. Ankan was reported to be in Class 10 at ...